
The Itch

Over the years I have blogged about a variety of topics.  My first blog was about the randomness of my life as a stay at home mom, full-time student, wife, etc.  It was definitely my most successful blog, meaning I had a handful of readers and my sister would randomly recommend my blog to her friends.  As life changed, so did the blog. I once though that blogging daily about something positive would keep me more positive.  I was so committed to this blog that I actually bought a domain name.  That quickly fizzled. As a way to work through the grieving process I decided to blog about my Mom's death.  That simply made me relive the months she was sick, the three weeks she was in the hospital, and the tragedy of her deal.  No one read that one, not even me.  I have always wanted something 'interesting' to blog about to possibly reach people other than myself.  But if I would have known what I was wishing for, I wouldn't have wished for it.  I honesty have no idea if